

Smart Ecobarrio: San Sebastián, June 20-21

Smart Ecobarrio: San Sebastián, June 20-21

Smart neighborhoods must include more sustainable urban planning criteria from the beginning: compactness, mix and flexibility of uses, integration of nature in the urban space, attractive environment for living and working, bioclimatic building, recovery of the built fabric, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency and integration of renewable energies. Likewise, initiatives must be developed in the areas of water management, waste management, health and well-being, integration with the city itself, citizen participation, etc...

The execution of these new models and more ambitious projects in the field of Econeighborhoods and Smart Cities makes it necessary to assume clear municipal leadership and integrate the work of all municipal departments in a coordinated manner.

The Spanish Network of Smart Cities will participate in the round table that will be held on June 21 at 12:00 p.m.

More information in the course page

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