

Meeting of the RECI Energy and Environment Working Groups

DATE May 24, 2019

Meeting of the RECI Energy and Environment Working Groups

The RECI Energy (GT2) and Environment (GT3) working groups met last Tuesday, May 21, with the participation of 24 technicians from 13 cities.

The meeting was focused on the exchange of information and experiences regarding ICT Infrastructures, among which the following were addressed:

  • The deployment of 5G and existing regulations
  • EU recommendations on the implementation of public Wi-Fi networks
  • Security and Emergency Systems based on E-LTE

In addition, the session was attended by technical personnel from institutions invited to this working group session, CDTI and IDAE, who shared with the attendees their knowledge linked to:

  • The European initiative in Smart Cities within the framework of the Set-Plan.
  • Opportunities in the H2020 Smart Cities & Communities program
  • Financing opportunities for Local Entities within the scope of the Urban Development Program

> Access to presentations for registered technical personnel of RECI cities and friendly municipalities

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