

The RECI concludes its participation in the V Congress of Smart Cities

DATE June 27, 2019

The RECI concludes its participation in the V Congress of Smart Cities

Spanish Network Smart Cities Congress CI 5

The Spanish Network of Smart Cities (RECI) concluded its participation in the V Congress of Smart Cities held last June 26 in which he had a very prominent presence.

In addition to the numerous presence of cities belonging to the Spanish Network of Smart Cities that met at the congress, the RECI was also present at several of the round tables that were held throughout the day.

The coordinator of the Working Groups II (Energy) and III (Environment), Carlos Ventura, presented RivasSmart, the smart and innovative city model of Rivas Vaciamadrid.

For his part, the Secretary of the RECI, Roberto Álvarez, moderated the round table dedicated to smart platforms where some success stories were presented, such as the smart intelligence platform applied to security at mass events presented by the city council of Seville.

Carlos Ventura, coordinator of working group II and III; and Roberto Álvarez, Secretary of the Spanish Network of Smart Cities

In addition to the activities planned in the official program of the congress, the day also served to hold a RECI coordination meeting in which the activity of the groups of the different working groups was reviewed and the bases for establishing new lines were established. of action for the future.

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