

The G20 Smart Cities Alliance is born to promote the standardization of smart cities

DATE July 4, 2019

The G20 Smart Cities Alliance is born to promote the standardization of smart cities

Within the framework of the G20 Summit held in Osaka (Japan) on June 28 and 29, the Smart Cities Alliance, which will have World Economic Forum (WEF) as the main actor. The appointment has been made in collaboration with the G20 presidency, with the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation being in charge of the secretariat.

The Forum will coordinate with the G20 the new governance guides for the responsible use of data and digital technologies in urban environments. The Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution of the Forum will be responsible for the leadership of the members of the alliance, specifically the Internet of Things, Robotics and Smart Cities team.

The alliance includes local, regional and national governments together with private partners and citizens to share principles that guide the implementation of Smart City technologies in cities. Currently there is no type of international regulatory framework on basic instruments such as data collection sensors or traffic cameras, among others. This implies that it is the first time that governance issues applied to Smart City technologies have been addressed on a global scale.

Børge Brende, president of the World Economic Forum, alluded to the opportunity presented to the world's most important economies to work together to establish standards and values for Smart cities.

Spain has been carrying out intense work in the field of standardization to help the development of smart cities hand in hand with the CTN 178 Standardization Committee - AENOR Smart Cities. The Secretary of State for Digital Advancement has chaired this committee since its creation and shares its management with the FEMP. CTN 178 is organized into 5 large groups in charge of standardizing a thematic area. The groups are chaired by the Spanish Network of Smart Cities.


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