

Conference "PIU and Telecommunications Deployment Plans". Madrid, November 27

Conference "PIU and Telecommunications Deployment Plans". Madrid, November 27

Conference "PIU and Telecommunications Deployment Plans"

On November 27, the conference "PIU and Telecommunications Deployment Plans. The New Digital Era of Local Governments" will be held in Madrid, organized by the FEMP. The event will be held at the FEMP headquarters (Europe Room), located at Calle Nuncio nº8, in Madrid.

The fundamental objective of the day is to present and disseminate among Local Governments the implementation of the PIU (Single Information Point) as stated in the General Telecommunications Law. The main recipients of this meeting will be the political and technical responsible people who are related to the deployment of Telecommunications networks as a transversal axis in the development of their functions.

The Spanish Network of Smart Cities will participate in the session "The deployment of telecommunications in local governments. Present and the new future in the face of 5G" represented by the coordinators of the Working Groups 2 and 3 that are currently developing these aspects and that will also introduce the cases of the cities of Rivas Vaciamadrid, Seville and Barcelona.

To attend the event it is necessary to register, for which the following form has been enabled, available until November 22: INSCRIPTION.

Program of the day:

Program of the conference "PIU and Telecommunications Deployment Plans

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