

RECI Working Group V meets to exchange experiences

DATE November 22, 2019

RECI Working Group V meets to exchange experiences

Meeting of Working Group V of the RECI to exchange experiences

He Working Group V of the RECI, focused on Government, Economy and Business, met last Wednesday, November 6, where technicians from 13 different cities participated.

The meeting focused especially on the exchange of experiences between cities based on the development of various smart city projects where the development of platforms was the protagonist. Thus, the meeting focused on three specific cases:

  1. Project presentation Filemasters. Personal Citizen Dashboard, from the Malaga City Council. Presented by Mr. David Bueno, focused on the importance that control panels have in cities. Related to this, he alluded to how the Malaga City Council develops innovative solutions in this regard through personalized dashboards.
  2. Valencia Smart City Platform. Presented by Mr. Víctor Sancho, focused on how the new stage in the development of Valencia as a smart city is carried out based on the UNE 178104 standard.
  3. Gijón Intelligent Management Model. Focused on the evolution of Gijón towards a city based on an integrated management platform. This is done through information management, multichannel, Admon. electronics, datarization and Admon. as a service. In Gijón, an integrated management platform is developed, called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), a digital, open and intelligent solution.

The RECI technicians have the presentations on the RECI Sharepoint Platform at the following link. Likewise, a video explaining the operation of the Personal Citizen Dashboard, from the Malaga City Council

Link to the presentation of the city of Valencia

Link to the video presentation of Personal Citizen Dashboard

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