

Aid worth €10M called for the development of smart territories in Andalusia

DATE December 23, 2019

Aid worth €10M called for the development of smart territories in Andalusia

Development aid for smart territories Andalusia

The Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Junta de Andalucía has published the order that includes the regulatory bases for the granting of aid for the development of smart cities and territories in Andalusia. The aid, with a total value of 10 million euros, contemplates the financing, execution and deployment, in municipal areas or territories of less than 20,000 inhabitants, of projects that promote the sustainable transformation of smart city models: governance, society, economy, mobility or smart platform.

The access to aid regime will be competitive, where the Ministry of Economy will contribute eight million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to the global budget. For their part, local entities will complement the aid with the contribution of at least two million euros. The Junta de Andalucía will be in charge of the tender and technical projects, in addition to providing up to 80% of the financing.

The order includes two types of help:

  • Individual: aimed at local entities with less than 20,000 inhabitants that present solo projects.
  • Grouped: aimed at two or more local entities with the same characteristics, and may incorporate a Provincial Council.

In the design and presentation of the projects, the entities will have as a reference the AndalucíaSmart White Paper, as well as the areas and solutions it contains. Eligible projects will be those related to hardware and software infrastructure, transparency services, evaluation studies and dissemination campaigns among citizens, among others. If you want more information, you can download the order and the AndalucíaSmart White Paper.

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