

Celebration of the RECI Board of Directors February 2021

DATE March 4, 2021

Celebration of the RECI Board of Directors February 2021

Last Friday, February 26, the RECI Board of Directors meeting took place with the participation of 23 cities.

The meeting began with the inauguration of Mr. Pablo Hermoso, president of the RECI and mayor of Logroño, emphasizing the importance of networking and pointing out some of the main milestones achieved by the RECI, especially in a situation of uncertainty such as that of the COVID-19 pandemic.

During this meeting, the RECI Work Plan 2021-23, which, as a result of the work with the cities of the network, proposes the lines of action framed within each of the Working Groups, to address the main problems of these cities in their process of transformation into Smart City.

Likewise, the two project proposals on which the RECI is working were presented for the Next Generation EU Recovery Fund:

"Smart and sustainable cities", which seeks to accelerate the digital transformation of the Spanish urban fabric by activating a Data Space, Digital Twin, and a Marketplace, which will be a reference center for the transformation of the urban fabric, as well as a consolidation program.

"Interoperability Framework for Smart Cities", whose objective is to advance the interoperability of Smart solutions in Spanish cities, to address urban problems and the provision of services to citizens, as well as to measure urban performance in the contribution of cities to comply with the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, based on the development of intelligent and interoperable solutions.

For its part, the presentation of a manifesto was accepted within the framework of the transposition of the Wifi4EU initiative in relation to the General Telecommunications Law; The inclusion of new municipalities to the network was approved, and the current agreements with and the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, among other issues.

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