

VII Rivas Meeting, Smart City, June 22 and 23.

VII Rivas Meeting, Smart City, June 22 and 23.

During June 22 and 23, 2021, the Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council, together with the COIT (Official College of Telecommunications Engineers), organizes the VII Rivas Smart City Meeting, which will bring together several events to be carried out in those days directly linked to the RECI (Spanish Network of Smart Cities): the RECI Technical Committee, a meeting with citizens to present the future of smart cities, the general assembly of the RECI , a day about 5G applications, and about the opportunities for cities via Next Generation EU recovery funds.

The 1st day on June 22 will be dedicated to the technical committee between RECI members and citizens and private initiatives on the Future of Smart Cities. (Afternoon schedule).

Tuesday June 22

4:30 p.m.RECI technical committee.
Summary of progress in the different working groups. Presentation of the website and new document manager
7:00 p.m.Meeting with citizens, RECI dialogues: “The future of Smart Cities”
Session is open to the public.
• Pedro del Cura, Mayor of Rivas Vaciamadrid and 2nd Vice President RECI
• Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza González, Mayor of Logroño and President of the RECI)
• Juan Carlos Abascal Candás, Mayor of Ermua and Co-President of the Innpulso Network
• Mónica Carazo, vice mayor of Rivas Vaciamadrid
9:00 p.m.RECI members dinner
(under Invitation)

On the 2nd day (from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) we will have a first time dedicated exclusively to the RECI Technical Committee to continue with a larger public event in which there will be institutions and companies concerned and interested in improving security, efficiency, sustainability and quality of life in our cities. It will be a day especially focused on 5G technology and the Next Generation EU Recovery Funds. The sessions will be open except for the RECI general assembly.

Wednesday June 23

9:00 a.m.Inauguration Day.
• Pedro del Cura, Mayor of Rivas Vaciamadrid and 2nd Vice President RECI
• Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza González, Mayor of Logroño and President of the RECI
• Carlos Daniel Casares, Secretary General FEMP
• Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (pending confirmation)
Signing of agreement
Block 1 “Economic recovery, digitalization and sustainability”
moderated by José Manuel Castro, Councilor delegate of the area of economy, organization and public function of the Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council
9:30 a.m.Next Generation EU Recovery Funds. Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (pending confirmation)
10:00 a.m.Fair and inclusive energy transition. (pending confirmation)
10:30 a.m.Rivas City Council and Huawei: eLTE Security and Emergency System, Intelligent Systems and Direct Energy Purchase:
• Carlos Ventura, Head of Innovation and Modernization Service Rivas Vaciamadrid
• Fernando Jaime, Head of Communications Solutions for Public Administrations at Huawei Empresas
11:15 a.m.Coffee break
Table – debate, “360º Vision of 5G”
moderated by Francisco Javier García Ridruejo, Secretary of the RECI
11:30 a.m.• 5G boundary conditions. (earring )
• 5G pilots and Digital use cases. Francisco Javier García Vieira. Director of Digital Public Services
• Key issues for investment. Digital Representative
• New challenges for the Administration
Jordi Cirera, Barcelona City Council and Mª Eugenia Sánchez, Seville City Council
• What science says. Francisco Vargas, CCARS Scientific Director
Block 2 “Smart-RECI ecosystem initiatives”
moderated by Luis Gabriel Altares, Delegate Councilor for Innovation and Modernization of the Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council
1:00 p.m.Tourism sustainability plans. Enrique Martínez, President of SEGITTUR
1:20 p.m.Innpulso Network. Rosalía Herrera Yuste. Director of Strategic Planning and Innovation.
Ayto. Ermua, Secretary of the Innpulso Network
1:40 p.m.Inés Leal, Director of the Smart Cities Congress. The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan: an opportunity for the sustainable and intelligent development of our cities.
2:00 p.m.Final cocktail

We will learn about the experience of good practices from different cities to guide the development of Smart City projects in which citizens, SMEs, other government companies and scientific institutions collaborate.


You can register in this link   

Priority in attendance for municipal councils that are members of RECI and Red Innpulso until capacity is reached. Open to other cities until capacity is reached

It is recalled that for members of the RECI there is a bag to cover travel and/or subsistence expenses to registered people who go to participate in person at the VII Rivas Smart City Meeting.

Participation in this exchange will be at the rate of two representatives for each RECI city. The criteria for incorporating applicants into the pool will be in strict order of application until availability is exhausted. 

Every technician registered for the sessions who wishes to participate in this bag must complete the file attached in this link, and Send it to the Technical Office by email:

This form must be completed as soon as possible, in order to manage the accommodation of people covered by this bag

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