

Experts in smart territories debate digital transformation

DATE June 5, 2023

Experts in smart territories debate digital transformation

On June 2, the day took place in Jerez de la Frontera 'Smart Territories', promoted by the Provincial Council of Cádiz - through the Provincial Information Company SA, (EPICSA) - and in coordination with the Spanish Network of Smart Cities (RECI). In total, the event had 15 speakers, such as Isabel Gallardo, delegate of Innovation, Smart Municipalities and Digital Transformation of the Provincial Council; Javier Ruiz Arana, mayor of Rota and member of RECI; and Francisco Javier Ridruejo, general secretary of RECI.

At the meeting, topics such as 'Social cohesion and territorial development', with presentations by the secretary general for the Demographic Challenge of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Francisco Boya; the managing director of the Digital Agency of Andalusia, Raul Jimenez; and the general director of Territorial Cohesion of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Alipio García.

Likewise, they talked about the benefits and challenges of digital transformation, with contributions from technicians from the Valencia, Cáceres, Castellón and Cádiz councils. Representatives of the state Administration also participated, such as the president of the Segittur company, Enrique Martínez Marín and the director of Digital Public Services of, Francisco Javier García Vieira, who contributed their vision around the theme 'Smart Territories. Transformer axles'.

In the last of the thematic blocks, the issue of the good practices of the deputations. In this case, representatives from the provincial entities of Badajoz, Seville, Huelva and Cádiz presented their experiences. This section was complemented with an exhibition of 'Use cases in the development of Smart Territories', by those responsible for the firms Netmore, Fiwo, Ferrovial and the Telefónica-Cotesa UTE; companies sponsoring the event.

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