

VI Competition of Technological Ideas for Retail Trade

DATE July 19, 2023

VI Competition of Technological Ideas for Retail Trade

With the aim of supporting small businesses and stopping their disappearance, the Secretary of State for Commerce of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, in collaboration with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and with the State Postal and Telegraph Company SASME summons the Sixth edition of Technological Ideas Competition for Retail Trade, in order to promote talent and innovation and contribute to generating technological solutions in retail commerce that serve to energize and modernize small businesses.

The defense of small businesses is an objective that requires the joint action of all the actors involved: the Administrations, private sector organizations and society as a whole.

The objective of the Contest is the development of software, hardware or sensoring applicable to businesses specific to commercial activity.
retail. The solutions must be incorporated into any of the processes of retail commercial activity:

  • Internal processes (purchases, stock management, use of information, storage of information, etc.).
  • External processes that interrelate the merchant with the final consumer, incorporating new technologies that improve the purchasing experience.
  • Facilitate the incorporation of businesses into a MarketPlace.

The financial award for the prizes amounts to €34,000 to be distributed among the winning ideas, which will be a maximum of 4.

The application submission period will remain open from July 14, 2023 to August 15, 2023, both inclusive..

Through the following link You can find the call for the VI Ideas Contest.

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