

From the city to the territory, a path of identity and innovation

DATE May 13, 2024

From the city to the territory, a path of identity and innovation

On May 7 and 8, Cáceres became the epicenter of the dialogue on innovation and territorial digitalization with the celebration of the "Day of Smart Territories", an event organized by the Spanish Network of Smart Cities (RECI). On this occasion, he focused on the fundamental role that the councils play in the formulation of intelligent strategies for the progress of the regions.

The first day, May 7, was reserved for RECI members and councils interested in joining this innovation network. During this session, various topics were explored, from conceptual development and governance, with presentations by Francisco Boya Alós, general secretary of Demographic Challenge and Andreu Francisco Roger, General Director of Localret, to the impact of tourist destinations as drivers of territorial development, presented by Esther Gutierrez Morán, vice president of the Cáceres council and Laura Flores Iglesias, Director of Business Development and New Technologies of SEGITTUR. Finally, the day closed with presentations by Arturo Rodríguez González, deputy director of smart territories at and Juan Ramón Adsuara Monlleó, from the Valencia provincial council, regarding the value contribution of the Provincial Councils to the RECI and territorial links with the cities.

The second day, open to the public, provided a space to exchange ideas on territorial governance, data cybersecurity and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for the sustainable development of the territory. The role of tourism as an economic engine and its integration into smart territory strategies was also analyzed.

Among the prominent speakers were Miguel Ángel Morales, president of the Provincial Council of Cáceres, and José de la Uz Pardos, President of the RECI and mayor of the Las Rozas City Council, who praised the organization of the event and underlined the importance of networking. and inter-institutional collaboration.

One of the crucial issues that emerged during the debates was the phenomenon of the migration of young people from rural areas to large cities such as Madrid and Barcelona in search of job and educational opportunities. The experts reflected on how this migratory flow affects the development of the regions and possible strategies were explored to promote the roots of talent in rural areas.

The event was consolidated as a space for reflection and collaboration where the challenges and opportunities of rural areas were analyzed in the context of an increasingly digitalized and connected Spain. The RECI and the participating institutions reaffirmed their commitment to working together to build a more prosperous and inclusive future for all Spanish territories.

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