About us


The Association's objective is to generate a dynamic between cities in order to have a “Spanish network of smart cities”.

These cities must promote the automatic and efficient management of urban infrastructure and services, as well as the reduction of public spending and the improvement of the quality of services, thus attracting economic activity and generating progress.

Innovation and knowledge, supported by information and communication technologies (ICT), are the keys on which to base the progress of cities in the coming years, making the lives of citizens easier, achieving a more cohesive and supportive, generating and attracting human talent and creating a new economic structure with high added value.

The cooperation between the public and private sectors, social collaboration without exclusions and the development of work on the network are fundamental elements that allow everyone to develop an innovative space that promotes talent, opportunities and quality of life in the environment. urban.

Smart cities are those that have an innovation and networking system to provide cities with a model for improving economic and political efficiency, allowing social, cultural and urban development. As a support for this growth, there is a commitment made towards creative industries and high technology, enabling urban development through the enhancement of capabilities and interconnected networks, all through participatory strategic plans aimed at improving the local innovation system.

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