
Best Practices

Smart Cities Platform for municipal energy efficiency

El Prat de Llobregat / Viladecans


Reduction of energy consumption in municipal and residential buildings.
Decreased carbon footprint
Analysis of photovoltaic potential


Viladecans and El Prat have launched a Smart Cities platform to analyze the energy efficiency of municipal and residential buildings. They are two neighboring cities, close to Barcelona and of a similar size (65,000 El Prat and 67,000 Viladecans). Their municipal governments share a commitment to two strategic initiatives: the city's energy transition and the organization's digital transformation.

The energy consumption of buildings has become one of the main municipal concerns, due to the notable increase in costs and because improving their efficiency is essential for the decarbonization of the city. Both cities have about 80-100 municipal facilities, which are located throughout their territory, with varied ages and energy typologies.

Understanding the energy consumption of so many buildings, especially residential buildings, requires combining multiple sources of information and manually performing various data transformations. In practice, this means that very few people in the organization can do it and that all this knowledge cannot circulate, share, or be used in an agile way for the energy transformation of the city.


The platform answers these questions in an easy and intuitive way:
• How much energy a building consumes: hours, days, weeks, months.
• How much energy all the buildings in the city are consuming, in aggregate.
• What is the carbon footprint of each building and of all of them together.
• How much photovoltaic energy a building can generate: hours, days, weeks, months.

The platform has integrated and unified multiple sources of information, from structured, unstructured and sensory sources:
• Municipal Energy Information System, with invoices and monthly consumption of each service point.
• Georeferenced inventory of municipal equipment.
• Structural data of the building (m2, number of floors, typology, year of construction...).
• Bigdata from electricity distributors, especially Datadis.
• Photovoltaic covers of municipal equipment.
• Insolation and shading model.

Smart maps and dashboards are available, with filters, thematic maps and heat maps to analyze the different challenges and objectives set:
• Actual consumption per building
• Analysis of building roofs
• 3D sunshine map
• Photovoltaic energy generation

of work





Mercedes Morales, Head of the Information and Communications Systems Department, Viladecans City Council

Joan de la Paz, Head of Information and Communications Systems and Technologies Services, Prat de Llobregat City Council

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